Monday, December 20, 2010

Rollerblading sarcasm vs Driving practise

It's a good day to start with a heavenly stride in my rollerblade
IF i have one...

Haaa~ silap tul ak turun awl gi mkn td.
See.. time ak tgh makan, my dad pn all of the sudden turun jgk..
N when he saw me, it triggers somethin.

Dia suh practice keta..
Ak lak suggest klu ak ad rollerblade bleh ak practise rollerbladin
N he said, rollerblade is somethin useless n x brfaedah

Ak try cakap, klau cmtu sama la mcm basikal utk budak kecik..
bkan ad faedah pn basikal klau nk sama kn dgn bdak kecik..
But hujah ak.. like expected.. worthless..

i cant figure out how the adults think bout stuff.
it's rather a complex equation of algebra or somethin
So.. ak pn xnak bother otak ak yg tryin to chillax lpas dpt bahana spm aritu.
Utk pikir how do their minds work.

i'm off practise driving..
N thank god dad out pgi mne tah..
Xde sape la nk pntau ak.. haha

Happy rollerbladin everyone!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

SIgh~ mari kite mengeluh ramai2

yup and... sigh. again.

Im outta student, bout 72 hours yg lalu
hahaha dh pndrive ak pn name hati besi,
nk feeling2 kebendenyer~

wasnt so hard.. mcm pekse2 before jgk,
tp paper Arabic ak mcm... 'hey, what's this?'
hoping and prayin for an A.
Trpikir gak. Msti sbab ak ad buat byk hal ngn ust syeikh
Sorry ustaz = (

N ak blum blik umah ag pn,,
Im hollering up my principal's office nightly.
Klau ad dgr bunyi howl mlm2
thats my howl la tu, hahahaha.

ak stay skola je,
duduk dgn kawan2, sbab psni payah nk jumpa.

Pagi tdi pegi jalan dkat times.
Pic-ing ngn cosplayer!! haha
usha2 la kt fb nnti.

Im out.
Nyte u guys' = )

Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Tunggu je la 3 bulan ag..

Juz u wait 4 another 3 month..

Kena sabar..

Patience is a Virtue..

Thats what they say..

:((((( miss..

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cloudy Mind

Hey people,
N of course this is Sai typin,
Sorry for the late-ness of my post,
Well, sape jela pn yg baca blog ni pn kan?

Im home,
Bout two weeks b4 SPM,
which i found to be suckish,
But my knees dont seem to tremble,
Thats already good news.

N my mind IS cloudy rite now,
Yes sir, cloudy as ever,
I want the world to shout like its makin another big bang,
So that my ear drums would burst,
makin me deaf to the world,
Thats probably what ill wish if i see any shooting stars tonight,

No, bkan sbab spm,
sbab Im SAi,
SAi Am like this,
(Look, im losing my head right now, so dont even bother to care)
Im a rebel,
SO WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Deathwish, Trial, SPM..

Hey guys..
Ni post ak yg last..
Well bkan la last smpai bile2
Last, pstu ak xkan post smpai abes SPM.
Pretty agonizing.

Goin to say goodbye to my school years.
Im outta teens!
Tp x tua lagi! (ak x kutuk ko yan)
So im stayin school until the end of December..
Worth it la sbab kali terakhir duduk skolah.

N preparation for Trial n SPM?
Well dont ask.
DH cukup la mom ask ak nk dkat kzillion times. (thanks mom!)
Buat tu buat.. tp not convincing.
Xpe2 ak strive til the end.
Like they said, nothing's too late.

Thats all.
Tonite's the last nite. (someone said that :) )
Good luck my fellow comrades!
Doakn ak gak utk SPM!

p/s: yay! Im not talkin to cats tonite (not u blog! org lain la =) )

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dh gile agaknyer ak..

Td ade kucing purring bawah kereta myvi jiran..
It looked like the cat was complainin.

Pstu ak cakap la. Hey mister cat, nasib ko cam sama ngn ak jer.
Mcm kita dua jer yg always crossin the bad side of reality.
No one understands us. Sbab tu ko complain en?

Tp sape nak dgr ak complain?
Ko mane la nak paham mister cat.

Suddenly, realization was fillin into me.
Im talkin to a Cat!!
Ni la jdi bila down sangat kot.

At least ak igt ak ada blog to spill.
But spillin onto a lifeless keyboard isnt the same with spillin to a carin person.
Got to cope with that.

Plastic smile X]...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New sis. Cool =]

I already have a sister.

And she's . 12

And hey! I got a new sister.

Not kinda blood-related.. but she's my sis :) haha

And she's about my age. But we're not twins :)

I love her words. It soothes me ;)

We sometimes argue. Hey, real sibs also sometimes argue.

Arguing's not my passion. So i just let it slip under. :)

This Is Kinda cool. Sweet too. :)

I hope it stays like this forever. Insya-Allah.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Raya's comin!!

X sampai seminggu lagi dh nak raya!!
A'ah en, x sedar pn ramadhan dh nak abis.
Yeah, time felt too short..

Tak lama lagi dh x boleh la nak tarawih,
Ye la, xkan buat tarawih tengah2 bulan syawal, tu sewel.
Pstu, jadual kat kisas nanti jadi pact balik. Mestila, spm kan dah dkat..

And, yeah ak ad green crocs nak buat pakai raya. But..
Td adek2 ak yang berperangai @_@ tuh pegi cabut brand crocs tuh!!
Now my crocs macam cacat sebelah.. -_-
Talk bout sibs.. sigh

And then, untuk cuti for two weeks nih, mom belikan sume soalan past years.
Kena buat. N i wont refuse.
Memang la dah ad kesedaran tu, tp kemalasan.. jgn cerita la.
Xpe2, I'll make books as pillows =]

A'ah! lupe lak..
Td sebelum naik atas nak bloggin nih,
Theres a cat in my house, I dunno who's but maybe baba x tutup tingkap masa gi masjid td kut.
Im entering the house, thats when the cat goes nuts!!
Die mcm orang gila siot!! Tula, sape suruh masuk rumah org ag..
Ak pn cuak kena tackle sbab dia lari cam pinball :D.

Nasib baikla i've got my spm mindpower to think with.. :P
Gune fizik sket, newton third's law..
every action will create a force opposing it. (ye kot, x igt la, haha)
And the cat is out!!
Cool ;D

And that's all folks.
For todays blogging.
(mmg lama btul dah x blogging camni =] )

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Missin' those and these

im missin' my form 4 years
ye la, time form 4 tuh riang gumbira tak igt dunia.
skali masuk fivers...
mcm taufan badai je yang langgar kepala otak nih.

im missin ym too
those talks..
and rants..

my brain is stuck..

Friday, August 13, 2010

Good Gracious! It'S Ramadhan!

Well I'm here like always.
Today is the 3rd of Ramadhan.
Im also in the middle of SBP Trial exam.
Means that, Im seating for add-math on monday.
So gruesome freaky.

And now I'm hearing to The Catalyst.
Linkin Park newest single.
From the album a Thousand sun.
Hmmm.. what can i say?..
This is not the old LP
Bcoz their song is not under Nu-metal genre anymore.

The song's great.
But its a bit of dissapointment for Nu-metal fans.

Sorry I got carried away.
Suppose I wrote somethin bout Ramadhan.
Yeah, so Im trying to khatam Quran by the end of the month.
A juzu' a day insha-Allah.
That's all for now.

May you all gain somethin from this blessed month.
Ramadhan karim.
Allahu akram.

p/s: really2 sorry bout that LP portion.

Friday, July 16, 2010


I remember at that time.
Waktu tuh tgh prep.
Mata khusyuk kat buku BIO,
Telinga khusyuk kat The Operation M.D
KSK x bukak.. -_-

And then.. Out-Of-The-Blue
There was a shiny UO (unidentified object) lingered between my eyes and the text book.
A bubble!
Buih sabun!
Then it burst..

Ak angkat la kepala nak cari mana source dia.
Takkan tetiba muncul kot,
Time tu lah ak nampak kat tangan Syafeeq (say thanks bro :P)
Ad miniature transparent Batman.
Half of it was full with red liquid.
Syafeeq (say thanks again bro :p) bawak buih sabun!

Ya, I'm not that ecstasified.
Its just that it has been a long time since I last saw those fluffy.
Agaknyer last time darjah enam kot.
So nostalgic.

Dulu-dulu kalau beli botol buih sabun kecik,
20 sen sebijik,
xleh main kat dalam rumah,
nnti kna marah sbab lantai jd melekit.
But in class it's way too different.
Cikgu xde nak marah time prep! haha

So ak pun amik turn nak try tiup bubbles. (ramai org berebut -_-)
That was the fun of it.
Lpas tiup byk2, pstu pilih bubble masing2.
Tgk which will last longer.

Had so much fun that nite.
Forgot the BIO book first-hand! Hahaha.
Operation M.D was still singing la.
That's all.

By the way I'm writing this at home.
Kat skola payah sgt nak dpt computer.
Klau dpt pun nnti ramai yang snoop around, lurking in to my monitor.
I'm home, but x ramai bdak skola laen yang dpt blik gak.
Like that somebody..
So there's not much to do.

Snooping into Chemistry Text Book!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Learning to accept, not to complain.

It's been a year and a half since the first time i set my foot here.(kisas)
I'm not trying to be poetic.
A year and a half is quite a time to endure.
yeah, I've been complaining for the past year and a half. A LOT.
Ask me whether if its complaining for something important or just plain ol' pities.
I'll say both.

I'm not regretting any of my complaints and tantrums. >,<
ya, it feels worth it.
But it seems unreasonable.

So from now on, I'll try to change that habit of mine.
To a better one.
I'll try to accept shitties when it's painful.
I'll blind my ears to hear wasteful orders.
I'll TRY not to scream GET LOST in anybody's face. (its happened before -_-)
I'll make -_- when I'm not in mood.

I'll be a new me.
From some point of aspect. NOT all.
I'll hate the new me.
But it's worth a try!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A little bit (loads of them) of heavy work..

26 June 2010
I am a QM
QM hari ni jadi kuli..
To handle event silat open kebangsaan..
X tipu! letih giler!!
Start dari pagi smpai malam no rest.
Otak ku pening XD..

Tp perggh, bestnyer dpt tgok org gadoh.

Ak x tau cmne nk express restless ak..
Haha.. bye

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm at my BELOVED school

'Sup? Yeah, cuti sekolah baru seminggu abes.
Result Exam mid-year pn dah kuar!
Payahnya time jawab exam tuh.
And my result is?

5A 6B >,< ..

That's me.. Sebelum exam x study mcm nak mati.
That's why bleyh 5A jer.
BUT... I'm proud of my add-math! =]
For add-math i got........ 78%!!

Ladies and Gentlemen.
We announce that for the first time.
That sAi~ SCORED A in add-math!!!

=] weee~ bkan nak overreacted tp first time.
Seronok is not a crime.. hahahaha
Well. Lpas nih ak kna study hard lak tuk exam item berfokus, sblum trial.
Dive in balik niche time kt asrama.
And bwat cam biasa. Smpat gak amk time nk tulis blog.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blink2 cuti dh nak abes..

Wow! so much things are goin on in this week.
sedar2 cuti dah nak abes.
Bukak skola nnti dpt tau la result Mid-year exam.
Awh!! i can't wait!!

Pstu dlm in a week cuti nih, byk gak la benda yg ak buat.
For example, ak siapkn project work add-math!!
Memula, seem impossible je nak bwat.
Confuse gile.
X siap kot projek tu klau x de guide dr internet -_-

Then, FIFA!
Oh boy, oh boy,
besnyer tgk Argentina, ngn germany men.
Skill ngn opening diorg mmg power r.
Yg sdeyh nyer, tetiba lak spain bleh kalah.
kalah ngan switzerland plak tu!
Mana Torres? Iniesta? Cassilas? Villa?
Tu la, sape sruh x masukkn Fabregas ag.

Owh, ak lpe lak nk cite psal tuisyen kt tmn melawati aritu.
Smpat 3 hari jer.
Sbab kt kisas perkampungn ilmu abes ari selasa.
Best gak r gi tuisyen aritu.
jumpa blik member2 lama.
Bru ak tau, ad B.o.t.B antara skool2 selangor thun nih.

Dota? jgn tnyer..
sbab ak nk cite.. hahha
Laptop rosak, xleh men -_-
adek2 ak pnya psal la.
YM! pn xleh.
Slamat la pda yg dh berabuk x disentuh tu maseh elok ag.
Although it acts all crappy >,<

Pstu time cuti nih,
i'm experiencing all types of feelings,
But im not gonna write, because feelings are made to be felt =]
xleh describe using words...
One thing that is... I'm glad, really X 100 GLAD!
Hmmm.. besnyer dpt kwn cmtu..

Well, ak rasa smpai sini je kot.
And yeah, this is sAi~ typing...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Ya! Ya! This Sure Is Empty


Ak rasa boring nk tulis blog.

But the fact is, org tulis blog bila boring.

Ak rasa cm xde org pn yg singgah blog nih.

Ak tau blog ni less than normal.

Sbab tu xde org nk singgah.

So why bother to write?

I'm wasting time.

Listen up people.

Klau korg jenguk pn blog ak.

Sudi kn lah diri tu leave 'some' thin kt kotak chat tuh.

Dying to see whether blog ak ni sbnarnya ad kat net ke x.

Do i have to say please?

Yeah this is sAi~ talking...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Emotions! Shhh!

What do we have here!
Finally! ak dpt gak guna laptop utk update blog!
Fuuuh... skang nih cuti mid-year..
Perkampungan ilmu kt skolah ngn tuisyen dh berakhir..
Relieved!! Means that im free! (for a limited time that is)

Speaking of relief, lega ni satu emosi ker?
I dunno what to say.
Tp pasal emotion nih, slama 17 thun (im 17 already?!) ak hidup,
byk gak experience yg ak dapat.
For example:

Yeah, ak bkan nk sgt tulis pasal hatred,
sbab its gloomy and fiery,
tp kan, hatred la, yang ak rasa ak paling paham,
'we can't read emotions, we feel it'
and its true, ak paham hatred more than any other feelings,

Reason: byk sgt sbab nyeh. Tp yg pling rasa time form2 dulu la.
skang pn ad gak sket2 time kt kisas, klau x control mungkin dh bertumbuk agaknye.
Form 2? yeah, ak pnah despise sgala bnda yang ad kt tahap time tuh.
Smpai ak rasa lagu 'welcome to my life' tu mmg sesuai utk ak
mcm band simple plan saje nak mock ak.

emotions lain? ad gak

im confusing emotions with feelings, am i rite?
well better keep on typing..
okay, happy. how i'll put it?
part ni payah nk cita.
bcoz ak x paham sgt ngan happy nih cm ak paham hatred.
maybe im happy bcoz i have friends?
bcoz i am 17?
i dont know myself.
So, juz let it be..

im thanking everybody..
and somebody..
for giving me THIS..
yeah, its always hard to say..
im telling, but im not losing (thank-God)

p/s: Hatred klau ak exagerrate bleyh smpai 2 muka surat kut :P
link rooftop rant: ada part-part kt tepi page nih. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lyric sum 41 ni ak rasa sesuai ngn sitch ak time nih.
Lirik ni mmg best best...
But it wont do without its music...
Ape kata korg try dgr lagu ni? Sure masyuknyer..


I'm not quite myself.
I do need some help.
just my confusion,
trust my delusions.

Don't you,
Regret you met me.
go through,
These steps to get me,
Back to where we start,
Before I fall apart.

If I could black out,
It'd become so clear,
Standing face-to-face with everything I fear.
watch so closely,
but still I don't see.
As bad as it seems,
a piece of mind I'd steal,
In ordinary life,
The consequence is real.
I'm past the point of reality.

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
But it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's like a bad dream,
That's becoming all so true,
Leaving me with nothing else left to do.
Now so helpless,
I'm not so selfish.
Tell me,
How does it feel to have a face like that,
How does it feel to be replaced like that.
Now so faceless,
Do you still feel?

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
But it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's hard to believe right now,
This seems to be real.
It's unfazing by this time,
So why can't I wake up.

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
But it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

A piece of mind

Haha ni result quiz yg ak bwat kt quizilla. :) yang dlm bracket tu ak tulis sendiri :DD

You like living in cottages in small quiet areas (maybe la) whether it's on a farm or a field. You're a little bit eccentric, (partially right) but that's why people love you(hell no??). You're not easily influenced (spe la sgt yang bleyh influence ak?) and you have good morals(im not sure about this). ROCK ON!!! (ak mmg ske bile ad part rock on!!)

Thanks to HLOVATE la ak tau bwat bnde nih huhu.

Pastu pulak ...


1.Exam mid-year dh nak habis. (im so relieved. fuh)

2.Cuti mid term dah nak start.(malangnye ad perkampungan ilmu smpai ari selasa :/ )

3.Add-math form five project tetiba jer jatuh dr langit, kena submit lpas bukak cuti pulak tu..

4.SPM dah dekat!!!

This is my days to be remembered....


Sunday, May 16, 2010

And In The Rigth Corner!! We Have Mr. Exam!! The pain!!

Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!

Exam mid-year dh start!!!
Such a pain in the ass...
there's a lot to study...
Bengkak la otak aku...

Well.. its not an option anyway...
Aku terpaksa la super glue mata aku mlm2...
Sambil dgr lagu Bunkface baru ^_^

Escape Dance, You and Me, Minutes to End, Dunia..
Ni lagu Bunkface baru. Means that aku ad la teman nk study memalam.

Anyways, pray for my success O' my fellow readers.
Hope I'll get nice result :P

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Songkok M.i.A.

Knapa songkok ak mesti ilang time cmni??
Bru tggal sekejap kt dewan makan (dm) pun dh ilang..
Dogol la ak cmni hari2..
Klau Mail x marah xpe gak..

Event 1 (songkok still alive, kt tgn bkan atas kpala) :

Mail: Mane songkok kmu??
Sai : Ni ad ustaz, (glabah smbil pakai)
Mail: Lain kali pakai jgn pgang
Sai : Ai ai sir!!
kesimpulan: Sai selamat

Event 2 (songkok is dead):

Mail: Mane songkok kmu??
Sai : A aa aa.. (ternganga n glabah)
Mail: Dh masuk bilik saya cpat!!
kesimpulan: Sai is dead as his songkok

Songkok Is good As gone.. Or shoud I say Bye bye?

Special thanks to the dm cleaners for a good lookout on my songkok forthnite. (do they did so?)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Selama ni aku asik layan baca novel BI jerk,
sebab novel melayu x best.
Content diorang asek2 same jer,
pasal cinta la, misteri la, penyiasatan la.


Nilah ak nak story nih.!

HLOVATE!!! YEAH!! Inilah penulis yg berjaya membuatkan ak brasa best baca novel BM.
Karya2 beliau amat memahsyukkan..
Wah... (drool)

Ak x tipu.. Btul2 best...

Novel beliau citer nih:

open minded,
radical lifestyle,
free spirited sket,
tp ad gak bab2 agama..

Korg try r bace novel2 Hlovate.
Title novel dye cam, Rooftop Rant, Versus, aA+bB..
Kompem masyuk.
Ni link skali:

Hey Musica_Monsta! U Should try these!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sonic gear..
Asal ko mesti mati???>>>> (sebelah je pun)


May U Rest in Peace..

Better be getting a replacement fast. :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

A New Start for an Old One

blog ini bukan sahaje...
akan menjadi sarang lagu2..

aku akan sketch:;

my heart..
my twisted mind ..
my rebelious act...
life saken routine..
anythin' i can think about..


1 , 2 , 3,

Up-spirited and ready to write!