Saturday, September 18, 2010

Deathwish, Trial, SPM..

Hey guys..
Ni post ak yg last..
Well bkan la last smpai bile2
Last, pstu ak xkan post smpai abes SPM.
Pretty agonizing.

Goin to say goodbye to my school years.
Im outta teens!
Tp x tua lagi! (ak x kutuk ko yan)
So im stayin school until the end of December..
Worth it la sbab kali terakhir duduk skolah.

N preparation for Trial n SPM?
Well dont ask.
DH cukup la mom ask ak nk dkat kzillion times. (thanks mom!)
Buat tu buat.. tp not convincing.
Xpe2 ak strive til the end.
Like they said, nothing's too late.

Thats all.
Tonite's the last nite. (someone said that :) )
Good luck my fellow comrades!
Doakn ak gak utk SPM!

p/s: yay! Im not talkin to cats tonite (not u blog! org lain la =) )

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dh gile agaknyer ak..

Td ade kucing purring bawah kereta myvi jiran..
It looked like the cat was complainin.

Pstu ak cakap la. Hey mister cat, nasib ko cam sama ngn ak jer.
Mcm kita dua jer yg always crossin the bad side of reality.
No one understands us. Sbab tu ko complain en?

Tp sape nak dgr ak complain?
Ko mane la nak paham mister cat.

Suddenly, realization was fillin into me.
Im talkin to a Cat!!
Ni la jdi bila down sangat kot.

At least ak igt ak ada blog to spill.
But spillin onto a lifeless keyboard isnt the same with spillin to a carin person.
Got to cope with that.

Plastic smile X]...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New sis. Cool =]

I already have a sister.

And she's . 12

And hey! I got a new sister.

Not kinda blood-related.. but she's my sis :) haha

And she's about my age. But we're not twins :)

I love her words. It soothes me ;)

We sometimes argue. Hey, real sibs also sometimes argue.

Arguing's not my passion. So i just let it slip under. :)

This Is Kinda cool. Sweet too. :)

I hope it stays like this forever. Insya-Allah.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Raya's comin!!

X sampai seminggu lagi dh nak raya!!
A'ah en, x sedar pn ramadhan dh nak abis.
Yeah, time felt too short..

Tak lama lagi dh x boleh la nak tarawih,
Ye la, xkan buat tarawih tengah2 bulan syawal, tu sewel.
Pstu, jadual kat kisas nanti jadi pact balik. Mestila, spm kan dah dkat..

And, yeah ak ad green crocs nak buat pakai raya. But..
Td adek2 ak yang berperangai @_@ tuh pegi cabut brand crocs tuh!!
Now my crocs macam cacat sebelah.. -_-
Talk bout sibs.. sigh

And then, untuk cuti for two weeks nih, mom belikan sume soalan past years.
Kena buat. N i wont refuse.
Memang la dah ad kesedaran tu, tp kemalasan.. jgn cerita la.
Xpe2, I'll make books as pillows =]

A'ah! lupe lak..
Td sebelum naik atas nak bloggin nih,
Theres a cat in my house, I dunno who's but maybe baba x tutup tingkap masa gi masjid td kut.
Im entering the house, thats when the cat goes nuts!!
Die mcm orang gila siot!! Tula, sape suruh masuk rumah org ag..
Ak pn cuak kena tackle sbab dia lari cam pinball :D.

Nasib baikla i've got my spm mindpower to think with.. :P
Gune fizik sket, newton third's law..
every action will create a force opposing it. (ye kot, x igt la, haha)
And the cat is out!!
Cool ;D

And that's all folks.
For todays blogging.
(mmg lama btul dah x blogging camni =] )